OPACIZE KIDz™… is a 30 min program created for kidz™ that allows them to get exercise in a fun creative structured environment. Classes Incorporate songs and dance that are fun and upbeat to keep kidz captured and in the dance fit zone. It is designed to get kidz™ away from TV and hand held gadgets and get them moving and having fun in an party environment that is “kid friendly” – the time will fly by as they will be having fun, they will not realise how hard they worked out and that they “exercised” as it feels more like a fun dance party.
IDEAL FOR ... Boys and girls 5-12 years that enables them to socialise with friends, plus they will make new friends as they move and groove to their favourite cultural and modern music. Our kid friendly routines are designed so that they are easy to follow and fun to do, plus it enables kidz™ cultural exploration in a class structure environment – YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE GREEK TO BE AN OPACIZE KID™ - it is never dull on our kidz™ dance floor!
BENEFITS… helps encourage and develop a healthy lifestyle and incorporates fitness with fun, laughter and joy that leaves kidz™ feeling happy. It teaches them co-ordination skills and it will help with respect to team work. Our program will improve their confidence, social skills, self esteem, creativity and memory skills. We will take them to a trip through Greece at every class that will teach them cultural awareness through music and dance and leave them craving more.
OPACIZE™ INSTRUCTORS ... add this to your schedule - it is a free program addition for you from us with POLLI "OPA" AGAPI!! - we also apply this program format to our SENIORz™ classes & offering it to nursing homes, groups etc. YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD TO DANCE - YOU DO FEEL OLD IF YOU STOP DANCING!